
Project logistics control centres, all you need to know

Project Logistics Control Centres (PLCC’s), what are they? How do they operate? XELLZ, a company in-the-know when it comes to…

4 years ago

From un-controlled chaos to controlled limbo!

It is said that all good things come to an end, and the same seems to be the case for…

4 years ago

Brexit update January 2021

The European Union (“EU”) and the United Kingdom (“UK”) have during the past year negotiated the terms of a new…

4 years ago

BBN “Letter To the Editor” Interesting read..

Breakbulk.News is an independent global media channel that keeps you informed of the latest news, industry updates and analysis in the Breakbulk,…

4 years ago

XELLZ “Transparency is key in the Project Logistics Management”

AMANDA LABEE Assistant Vice President, XELLZ B.V. - Says: " "It's not thinking outside of the box, it's realizing there…

4 years ago

Masterclass available online soon on “Project Freight Management”

Education and sharing of knowledge have always been of great importance to PFN. We have always tried to offer our…

4 years ago

NEW Group for Industry Professionals & Students

Press Release, 4 Jan 2021.Project Freight Net BV, also known as PFN, announces the launch of a new networking group…

4 years ago

PFN Weekly Newsletter

"Project Freight Network" is starting the new year off right with a new weekly newsletter. A Lot has changed in…

4 years ago

The New PFN Freighter Directory 2020 is here.

We are happy to announce that the new 2020 Aircargo Freighter Directory is out and can be found here There…

5 years ago

Scan Global Logistics at its best

Bonneville Power Administration had the Celilo Converter Station rebuilt. As part of that process, seven 430-ton transformers were being shipped…

7 years ago