To secure business with industry giants like Mitsubishi Power, service providers need to understand the client’s needs, avoid generic pitches, and focus on building strong relationships through meaningful conversations....
Archive Knowledge
Cross-border project freight refers to the transportation of goods and materials across international borders for large-scale projects such as infrastructure development, energy production, and mining operations. While these projects offer […]
Dive into the world of maritime logistics with an in-depth comparison of liner and tramp shipping services, exploring their unique attributes and how they cater to different shipping needs.........
Streamlining project freight management requires meticulous planning, transparent communication, and strategic pricing to navigate the complexities of maritime logistics effectively. ...........
Unraveling the complexities of shipping documentation: Discover the divergences between House Bill of Lading and Master Bill of Lading in the logistics realm. ............
Returning to a subject that has been covered not infrequently in this newsletter, the issue of verified gross mass in maritime shipping remains paramount as the industry approaches the twelve-month mark before the mandated verification of gross mass of containers enters into force on 1 July 2016. In this article, we delve into the significance of accurately knowing the gross mass of cargo, discussing emerging good practices and regulatory changes.
Eco-logistics or green logistics, as it is commonly referred to, has emerged as a pivotal concept in the contemporary business landscape. It encapsulates a set of sustainable policies and measures aimed at mitigating the environmental impact generated by the logistics sector. In essence, green logistics entails a reconfiguration of processes, structures, and systems within transport, distribution, and storage of goods, with the overarching goal of achieving a harmonious balance between ecology and economy.
The transportation of tunnel boring machines (TBMs) presents a unique set of challenges. These mammoth machines, vital for infrastructure projects, often traverse through congested cities, necessitating meticulous planning to minimize disruptions to local life. As cities evolve into intricate webs of infrastructure, including cables, pipelines, metros, roads, and railways, finding the optimal route becomes paramount.
The weight-carrying capacity of cargo ships is a pivotal aspect of maritime transport. Understanding how much cargo a vessel can carry involves delving into the concept of displacement.
In the vast realm of logistics, where the norm is moving goods from point A to point B, project logistics stands as a distinct and transformative force. In a recent interview, Rob, an expert in the field, shed light on the intricacies that set project logistics apart from the conventional.