On January 18th voting has started for the 1st PFN Board of Advisors. PFN members have until tomorrow to bring out there Vote. All members have received a Link to Vote online. We are excited to announce the winners at the end of this week.

PFN Board of Advisors: Over the past 5 years, we have been thinking of putting together a board of advisors formed by members. We believe the time is right. We have several topics that would be good to follow up on for upcoming (digital) conferences or meetings. Having the opinion of our members is especially important to us. the board will be formed by 4 members that will have 4 digital meetings throughout the year.
They will receive information and reports on our plans, ideas, progress, and status as a network. Then yearly we will also share this in a report with our members. Every 2 years the board of advisors will be elected at our annual member’s conference. Details and regulations will follow at a later stage.
A member of the PFN “Board of Advisors” (BoA), 2021 – 2022.
What does this mean?
- 2-year position, then after 2 years there will be new elections.
- Members of the Board of Advisors can be elected for a maximum consecutive 2 terms.
- Virtual meetings will be held 4 times a year.
- 1 face to face meeting with the board, either during the annual conference or an event.
- The BoA members have a direct input on plans regarding the network and opportunities.
We are asking our members to vote on 4 nominees for the board this week.
There will be 4 board members picked and there now 7 members nominated.
For questions please send me an e-mail of give us a call.