The Project Freight Net – PFN conference in Amsterdam has been a great success with each and every member present. All participants have been very positive about its outcome and are convinced that PFN is a true Quality Network.
This has been the “inaugural” annual meeting of the PFN network and at this first meeting we have discussed a great number of topics. From general items in the industry to updates from the Liner and Airline industry all the way to the explanation and introduction of our innovative solution for our members that will bring them to the next level and into the “new economy”. The “Network Revolution” is a fact!
Off course there has also been a lot of networking and all the members have been meeting with all their fellow members during the two long days and during the evening program.
We will continue to be the Quality Network which means that we are and will remain, very selective of which company will join our network. PFN is to build the future of your company and to expand your markets. PFN is not and will never be “Just Another Network”.
- Group Photo
- PFN 2016
- Ceiling of the restaurant
- We were prepared for Rain.
- Emtertainment
- The Boat