We are happy to announce PFN is starting the new year off by establishing a “Board of Advisors ” for their network. End of this week there will be a vote option to go out to the PFN members and they will decide who will be part of the first 4 advisors for the board.
Formed by 4 PFN members having 4 digital meetings throughout the year. They will receive information reports on plans, ideas, progress, and stats as a network. Then yearly they will also share this in a report with the PFN members in general. Every 2 years the board of advisors will be elected at the PFN annual member’s conference. Making 2022 the next upcoming election year for advisors to join the board starting from Jan 2023.

“Over the past 5 years, we have been thinking of putting together a board of advisors formed by PFN members. We believe the time is right. We have several topics that would be good to follow up on for upcoming (digital) conferences or meetings. ” -Says: Amanda Labee, Vice President Operations PFN
Curious who is nominated? Stay tuned! You will find out this week!
Any questions in the meantime, let us know Info@projectfreight.net.